
Adding Current Product page Variant ID/SKU to webform submission Drupal 8

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I have product type event, this event have registration fees if price value not zero.

Product page built with views and I embed related webform inside it.

am using module called commerce webform order: which add handler to webform to create order and redirect user after submit webform to checkout page.

Currently I use fixed selected variant as screenshot below

enter image description here

This field needs to be filed with product ID, and accept token. However I don't have direct token can be used in webform as hidden field to read this value (I want to store this value like screenshot below) enter image description here

Any ideas how can this be done? or at least what token can be read in webform to set this value (I did some research and did try [webform_submission:source-entity:variation_sku]) but its not working.

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