
Create 'conditional' select list in webforms?

флаг kr

I'm pretty new to this so apologies in advance if I'm confusing or not clear enough.

I'm using Drupal 9 and I'm looking for a way to create a 'master' select list on webforms that will only show certain list items dependent on your answer to other questions. Example:

Q1. Do you want to study full time or part time? [select list]

Answers available: Full time / Part time

Q2. When do you want to study? [select list]

Answers available: September 2022 / January 2023 / September 2023

Q3. Which course do you want to study? [select list]

Answers available: Long list of multiple courses

Q3 is the question I would want the 'conditional' list to pull from. For example, if someone chooses Full time to Q1 and then September 2022 to Q2, I would want only courses available full time and in September 2022 to show in the available select list.

I'm aware that you can create pre-filled select lists using the options function under site settings, but I'm wondering if there's way to make the answers shown from this list conditional based on answers to the previous questions.

Currently I'm having to manually update every webform that contains Q3 anytime there is a change to our course offering and it's very time consuming, so any kind of automation here would be very helpful.

I hope this makes sense and that maybe someone can help me! Thanks

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Большинство людей не понимают, что склонность к познанию нового открывает путь к обучению и улучшает межличностные связи. В исследованиях Элисон, например, хотя люди могли точно вспомнить, сколько вопросов было задано в их разговорах, они не чувствовали интуитивно связи между вопросами и симпатиями. В четырех исследованиях, в которых участники сами участвовали в разговорах или читали стенограммы чужих разговоров, люди, как правило, не осознавали, что задаваемый вопрос повлияет — или повлиял — на уровень дружбы между собеседниками.