
Assigning hard disks directly from the pool vs syncing back to zfs/block host

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What are the specific pros and cons, perhaps even conventions, of attaching a volume to a VM directly from a proxmox zfs pool VS mounting the volume through a file/block storage solution like TrueNAS (which is running inside a VM)?

I have a proxmox server with several VMs, one of them running TrueNAS and another running Linux with all my docker instances (others running various services)

The idea of running absolutely all file/block management for docker-centric VMs (and other files related to other VMs) through TrueNAS is appealing to me but I'm not entirely sure if this is just viewing everything as a nail with TrueNAS as the hammer. It's running on the same hardware, so really less of a concern than perhaps when running TrueNAS on dedicated hardware or even within a proxmox datacenter spread across several nodes.

The alternative is simply creating another hard disk from a zfs pool and attaching directly to a VM. Is this considered uncouth given the option to use TrueNAS?

I feel like migration would become less clean by attaching it directly and not taking advantage of TrueNAS, as from what I have learnt so far in this journey into server: as much persistent storage as can be possibly detached from the core running VM, should be.

EDIT: in the case of docker instances, this would not be storage for dependancy of service, rather storing things like user content and other non-ephemeral data.

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Это зависит от ваших требований. Добавление TrueNAS в качестве слоя между ZFS и фактической виртуальной машиной увеличивает нагрузку на доступ к файловой системе, поэтому это оказывает некоторое влияние на производительность. Вам необходимо измерить влияние производительности на вашу рабочую нагрузку, если накладные расходы приемлемы.
BitShift avatar
флаг za
@TeroKilkanen да, это единственное, о чем я тоже могу думать.Будут некоторые накладные расходы, но гораздо удобнее обрабатывать блоки через TrueNAS с точки зрения мобильности, но опять же, как только я начну работать с несколькими узлами, мне действительно следует перейти на ceph. Единственное преимущество, которое я вижу, - это управление pov с виртуальными машинами докеров и т. Д.

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