
net server ip connection fail etimedout

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I use nodejs net (https://nodejs.org/api/net.html) to connect pc as client to server via ethernet cable. The app connects well from one pc to server (ip, but it does not connect (etimedout) to server on another pc. First, I couldn't even ping the ip address of server, but setting on pc the ipv4 to it could ping the server, but still got etimedout. From nmap this could be relevant: 1025/tcp filtered NFS-or-IIS Warning: OSScan results may be unreliable because we could not find at least 1 opened and 1 closed port.

I don't know what I miss to get connection to server.

Edit: PC (client) has win10 OS and server is a Mitsubishi FX5 PLC. The PLC's application (GX Works3) can connect to PLC from PC. I assume that my app that wants to connect on same host and port is blocked by win10 firewall or the ESET antivirus app. I turned off firewall in ESET and temporary deactived ESET protection, but still could not connect to server.

djdomi avatar
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