
Display problem connected via VGA Splitter

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I have one monitor with 1366x768 resolution and two CPUs(one Windows System and one Ubuntu System). I am using VGA splitter to render two CPUs. But I am facing few problems :

  • Every time I switch display from splitter , my resolution resets to 1024 x 768. Then manually I have to set it to 1366 x 768 using xrandr.

    $ xrandr --newmode "Mode 0" 85.50 1366 1436 1579 1792 768 771 774 798 +hsync +vsync
    $ xrandr --addmode VGA-1 "Mode 0"
    $ xrandr --output VGA-1 --mode "Mode 0"

    I have also tried using autorandr and and changing the /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d file. But it is not working. My display resets after every login and splitter switch.

    Is there any way to auto detect the display output via splitter ?

  • Also when I directly connect the monitor with my Ubuntu CPU the display quality is much better compared to connected via splitter. Some kind of flickering in pixels is coming up. Is this due to the rate or something else ? This is not a show stopper though but is there any solution for that also ?

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