
Having Trouble Booting Ubuntu Create List of Static Device Nodes for Current Kern

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I am really struggling to boot into Ubuntu. I get the following error:

[FAILED] Failed to start Create list of static device nodes for the current kern

I am very new to Ubuntu, and really am struggling to figure out what is wrong. I have turned off Secure Boot. I’ve tried booting into Recovery Mode, but it doesn’t let me make a selection using the Arrow Keys (it shows up as some random text with the letter B, I believe ^B. The text is overlaid on top of the Recovery Mode menu).

The only changes I’ve since the past restart have been (a) downloading VMWare through my school, along with a Windows 10 ISO file, which did not work, and (b) installed PostgreSQL, which did work.

In case it matters, I do not have a dual boot. I only have Ubuntu. Version is 21.04. I am able to get to the GRUB menu, and the BIOS menu, but cannot get past that (I.e. no login screen).

Can anybody help me? I would so appreciate it.

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