
Network bonding USB and internal NIC's?

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Is it possible to bond 2 identical onboard NIC's and a USB network adapter?

Currently I have the onboard networks bonded together in mode 6 no issue, HOWEVER if I try to add the USB network adapter to it, the bond completely fails.

They are all 10/100/1000 adapters, all with same settings.

What I am aiming for is the two adapters onboard are well known to fail on this unit so I added the USB interface as a backup.

My thought is: Bond all three together for 3Gb transfers and if the two onboard interfaces fail the USB takes over.

These interfaces onboard use the same voltage regulator and when it fails it takes both internal interfaces with it.....bad design.

I have dug everywhere and have found bonding with everything except USB.

I am assuming this is a fart in the wind?

Thanks in advance for any and all input!

Ubuntu server 20.04 fully updated as of this post. I will post config files etc as requested!

If interested, its a WD Sentinel DX4000 that I added the 5th SATA port on, and have added a SSD boot drive to that port and am running Ubuntu Server 20.04 on it.

Basically i did this: https://community.wd.com/t/my-conversion-of-a-dx4000-to-ubuntu-server/245639

Only difference is Ubuntu server version.

Unit is fully populated 4x4Tb drives in RAID 1+0 or 10 whatever floats yer boat!


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