
Poor Sound Quality on Laptop with Ubuntu 20.04

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I have Ubuntu 20.04 installed on a Dell Inspiron 15 3000 laptop. I get poor, tinny, blown-out sound quality at all volume levels whenever I try to play a video on Brave browser or whenever I play a video on Firefox other than on Youtube or whenever I play a downloaded webm or mp4 or such. Very occasionally those videos will play fine, but rarely. I can, however, get the audio to sound good if I play a youtube video, then switch to the other video I want to play and play it simultaneously with the youtube video. After I pause the youtube video, the other video plays with good sound until I pause it.

Fixes that I've tried so far from searching online that haven't worked include downloading PulseAudio to check if the configuration is correct. I believe it is. The only two options that work with my laptop speakers are Analog Stereo Duplex and Analog Stereo Output and both still produce the tinny sound. I also tinkered with the output levels to make sure it wasn't set too high.

I've also tried editing the config file on pulseaudio following this guide: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1108...-sound-quality It also didn't fix the problem. Any suggestions?

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Я также пытался использовать PulseEffects, чтобы возиться со звуком. Похоже, что основным источником жестяного звука являются басы, однако PulseEffects, похоже, на самом деле не исправляет качество звука, а просто делает его тише. Ноутбук Inspiron 3501 со звуковой картой RealtekALC3204.

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