
cannot list mobile phone directory content through obexftp command

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I have two android mobile phones first one is OPPO and other one is ASUS. I can send and receive files from both the devices through my laptop using bluetooth with the help of gui.

bluetooth oppo

The problem I am facing when I try to send files from bluetooth using command line(obexftp command)


Error while trying to list directory of android mobile phone using obexftp command

$ obexftp -b 1C:02:19:41:97:96 -c / -l
Browsing 1C:02:19:41:97:96 ...
Connecting...failed: connect
unknown error on connect
Still trying to connect
Connecting...failed: connect
unknown error on connect
Still trying to connect
Connecting...failed: connect
unknown error on connect
Still trying to connect

Error while sending files to OPPO

$ obexftp -b 1C:02:19:41:97:96 -B 20 -C /PHONE_MEMORY -p /home/devp/Pictures/sigmoid.png 
Connecting...failed: connect
The user may have rejected the transfer: Connection refused

Using bluetoothctl command we can see bluetooth connection is established

[bluetooth]# connect 1C:02:19:41:97:96
Attempting to connect to 1C:02:19:41:97:96
[CHG] Device 1C:02:19:41:97:96 Connected: yes
Connection successful
[CHG] Device 1C:02:19:41:97:96 ServicesResolved: yes
[OPPO A12]#


The obexftp command works very well with my other android device. I can view the directory structure and send files as well

Viewing directory structure

$ obexftp -b 04:92:26:9C:CA:8A -c / -l
Browsing 04:92:26:9C:CA:8A ...
Sending ""...|done
Receiving "(null)".../<?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE folder-listing SYSTEM "obex-folder-listing.dtd"><folder-listing version="1.0"><folder name="PHONE_MEMORY"/><folder name="EXTERNAL_MEMORY"/></folder-listing>done

Successfully I can send files

$ obexftp -b 04:92:26:9C:CA:8A -B 20 -c /PHONE_MEMORY/Pictures -p /home/devp/Pictures/sigmoid.png 
Sending ""...|Sending "PHONE_MEMORY".../Sending "Pictures"...-done
Sending "/home/devp/Pictures/sigmoid.png"...\done

Why is the problem is occurring when trying to send files to OPPO using obexftp command and how can I resolve this issue?

David avatar
флаг cn
Я не вижу вопроса, связанного с проблемой Ubuntu, описанной здесь. Я вижу проблему с ОС телефона.

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